Read Headaches Are Ruining My Life much more

Do you ever get headaches? If you answered yes, you likely understand how much headaches can ruin your livelihood. Some people are lucky enough to rarely get headaches and others are plagued by migraines and chronic neck pain every day of their lives. There are numerous types of common headaches people regularly experience. This objective of this article is to help educate others what type of headache they may be experiencing.

Tension headaches are by far the most common type Americans experience. This can be attributed to our busy lifestyles, our chronically poor posture and forward head posture. If you add in chronic dehydration and stress it's no surprise this is the whopper of neck pain and aches involving the head. Did you know 75% of headaches are tension style aches. Many people describe a tension headache as stabbing, dull pain with throbbing pain and sometimes tension behind the eyes. Stabbing pain is also listed when the condition is not treated. Neck pain is often involved and goes hand in hand with tension aches.

The duration for a tension headache can vary from 30 minutes to days. Most often an hour is the life. Trigger points are often found surrounding the head, neck, shoulders and chest. Also, atlas angle deficiency can contribute to chronic pain.

Migraine headaches are classically described as pounding, intense, severe pain often coupled with light sensitivity. They are often experienced with nausea as well. These migraine headaches can last from as little as a few hours to as long as a few days. Many of those who suffer from migraine headaches experience visual symptoms called an "aura" just prior to an attack. Migraines are debilitating and have been found to be linked to depression. Getting the proper diagnosis is a crucial step in battling your aching head.

There is an overwhelmingly vast amount of research showing chiropractic care is highly effective in treating headaches and relieving neck pain, it can even help decrease trigger points. This occurs if a practitioner uses trigger point therapy. Headaches are complex and should not be taken lightly. A complete chiropractic exam can help determine which type of headache you may be experiencing. Understanding what you have is critical as there are different treatment plans and objectives used for patients with migraines and tension headaches. Whether it's a tension headache, migraine or neck pain with trigger points. More often than not you are suffering and need to make a change and get out of pain.

Headaches Are Ruining My Life


Study Headache Forehead Over Eyes much more

Yikes! Headaches come when you least expected them. How can anyone tolerate such constant, pounding pain to the temple, back of the head and around the front head and eye area? Yet, for many unfortunate women, headaches are a part of their lives.

Whether it's episodic or chronic women experience more headaches than men. If you experience more than 15 headaches per month, sweetie, you hit the jackpot. You win the title of "Chronic Headache Sufferer".

There many types of headaches. Most women have heard of or experienced primary headaches. Common primary headaches include tension-type, cervicogenic, cluster and migraine headaches. However, did you know that an aneurysm or a subdural hematoma and meningitis can also cause headaches? Unfortunately, these secondary headaches can be deadly.

Here is a comparison between some of the common primary headaches. If you experience any of these types of headaches, consider chiropractic, soft tissue treatments.

Tension-type and cervicogenic headaches

• Dull ache and tight band around the head, back of the head and base of the skull
• Both sides are affected with tight or pressure sensation
• Mild to moderate intensity
• Stress, neck movement or jaw chewing can cause pain
• More prevalent in women
• Get relief from over the counter drugs

Cluster headaches

• Occur repeatedly over a period of time
• Often only one side is affected lasting between 15 minutes to 3 hours
• Runny nose, nasal congestion, droopy and watery eye on the affected side
• More prevalent in men, especially between the ages of 20-40

Migraine headaches

• Without aura

Mostly one sided with throbbing, pulsing pain lasting between 4-72 hours
Moderate to severe intensity
Nausea and sensitivity to light and noises
More prevalent in women
Hormonal changes, food and stress can trigger headaches
Often begin in childhood, but decreases in frequency and severity with age

• With aura

Same as migraine headaches without aura
Except there is a brief neurological episode of symptoms (aura) before the actual headache
These neurological warnings include numbness, tingling, speech and visual disturbances like flashes or spots of light

The next time you have a headache, don't automatically assume it's a tension-type, cervicogenic or migraine. If you experience a spontaneous headache with focal neurological signs or headaches after a head trauma, consult with a chiropractor or doctor. Please be cautious and seek professional help for your headaches if you notice any change in your personality or if it's the most severe headache or neck pain that you have ever experienced. Don't just pop a couple of Tylenols or Aspirins if your headaches are aggravated by coughing, sneezing or physical exertion. Have it assessed thoroughly ASAP.

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Headache Forehead Over Eyes

Understand Treating Neck Pain, Headaches, and Other Problems Without Expensive Surgery or Drugs much more


Often many people overlook the Atlas Orthogonal Procedure when they experience Neck pain, Headaches, Vertigo, TMJ, Migraines, and other symptoms. They may resort to expensive surgical procedures or drugs first, which may not solve the issue at hand. Many patients find out about this non-invasive procedure called Atlas Orthogonal after they've already gone through surgeries. Sometimes they ask themselves why they weren't told about this procedure beforehand.

For example malpositions of the top bone in the spine called Atlas can cause some common jaw disorder called Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ). Through simple and painless procedures, Atlas Orthogonistmay be able to cause the discomfort associated with TMJ symptoms by adjusting the atlas vertebra. The jaw itself is held by 68 pairs of muscles of the head, neck, and shoulder. The muscles, ligaments and bones of the human body are very complex in nature. An Atlas Orthogonist has a great understanding of the entire upper cervical region of the spine. Luckily an Atlas Orthogonistcan identify the issue at hand, and they can align the upper cervical area of the spine by a correction to your atlas bone. Anyone who has TMJ should consider trying this before moving on to the next option.

Tinnitus is another problem that may be treated by Atlas Orthogonal Procedure The Atlas Orthogonist Specialize in the first of the spine. A lot of patients find it hard to believe that the Atlas Orthogonal Procedure care can be effective; but have found it very effective. The Atlas Orthogonal Procedure uses a percussion instrument to correct the misalignment of the atlas vertebra (the top vertebra in the cervical spine). Malpositions of the atlas bone may cause many problems in the body. Through simple corrections an Atlas Orthogonist doctor may improve the quality of your life, and help many different problems such as:

• Nervous tension

• Chronic fatigue syndrome

• Knee pain

• Trigeminal neuralgia

• Arthritis

• Headaches and Migrained

• Cervical and lumbar pain problems

• Arm pain

• Hip pain

• Lower back pain

• Sciatica

• Balance problems

• Allergies

• Numbness

• Fibromyalgia

When finding a doctor you should look for an Atlas Orthogonist who is a Certified Doctor. Some doctors have also started using BGI approaches in their Atlas Orthogonal practice. If you can find a doctor who uses this approach you will be in the best hands possible.

BGI (Bio-Geometric Integration) is an AO approach that focuses on the geometry of the human body. It applies the science of quantum physics to health and healing. BGI is a philosophy that the body is not just a physical structure but rather an energetic system. It also combines the energetic quality of the body and the idea of subluxation to create a perfect healing technique.

This approach uses the new understanding of the body to maximize Atlas Orthogonal effectiveness through light touches and gentle structural adjustments. BGI targets tensions patterns, and releases them gradually and progressively in the same way that they were accumulated. Through BGI, AO doctors are able to maximize your body's health, ability to recover, and wellness.

This article on this website is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. This article is intended, but not promised or guaranteed to be current, complete, or up-to-date and should in no way be taken as an indication of future results.

Treating Neck Pain, Headaches, and Other Problems Without Expensive Surgery or Drugs


Read Top 15 Sinus Headache Remedies additional

Top 15 Sinus Headache Remedies

Headaches In Back Of Head

Headaches In Back Of Head

Below are the best 15 sinus headache remedies used by people suffering from this debilitating and throbbing headache.

For years Acupressure has been used to treat not only headaches but also many other ailments. Apply pressure on sinus pressure points. For instance: One pressure point is the area between the eyebrows i.e. where the ridge of the eyebrows meets the bridge of the nose. Using your index finger gently apply pressure for a few minutes.
You can also apply pressure on the sides of the nostrils to clear nasal congestion.
Apply pressure and gently massage the area above the middle of your eyebrows.
Another pressure point to clear the sinuses and relieve headache is the area at the back of the head, in the concave right under the base of the skull.
Stand under a hot shower and let the hot water hit the sinus cavities on your face. Also close the door so that the steam develops. This would ease out the pressure and help drain mucus.
Try to relax, lie down and sleep for a while.
Place a room humidifier as sometimes dryness is a factor behind sinusitis.
Take steam i.e. add a few drops of eucalyptus oil or peppermint in hot boiled water. And inhale vapors in a towel tent by placing a towel on your head in such a manner that it covers the bowl completely. Their decongestant property provides quick relief and is one of the popular sinus headache remedies.
Make a paste of ginger and apply it to the forehead. Its anti inflammatory property works wonders in providing quick relief.
Capsaicin in hot peppers such as cayenne, jalapeno has decongestant property and helps clearing sinuses. So try to eat one jalapeno pepper and see your sinuses drain.
You can also apply a mixture of 1teaspoon ground cinnamon in 1 teaspoon of water on the forehead. That is also effective.
There are also various homeopathic sinus headache remedies too. Such as Boiron has been known to be very effective in such condition. Also Sinus Buster is another choice.
You can also try using frozen aromatherapy eye pillow. Peppermint / eucalyptus / menthol scented would help in clearing sinus and the weight of the flax seed inside the pillow would provide the required acupressure to ease the symptoms.
Nasal irrigation helps a lot in relieving the pressure and congestion.
Take a glass of water with add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in it, twice daily and see the wonders.

Natural sinus headache remedies are the best gift of nature! And help us get away from the over-the-counter pain killers which may have side effects. However, some herbs have very strong smell and may augment your headache. In that case, that's not the solution for you and you should try some other remedy. Never hesitate consulting a doctor in case of severe symptoms. In some situations you may require antibiotics or other medications to treat condition.

Stephanie is a sinusitis expert and co-creator of the popular new sinusitis info based web-site: Natural Sinus Relief.

Go through Relieving Headache the Natural Way extra

Relieving Headache the Natural Way

Headache In Back Of Head

Headache In Back Of Head

Migraine headaches affect about 15 percent of the population. Although men can actually suffer from migraines, it is the women that are more affected. Experts believe that migraine is hereditary as researches have revealed more than 80 percent of people suffering from it have a family history of the problem.

Migraine headaches may not seem so serious but without proper care and proper diagnosis, those headaches may develop into something more. It is recurrent and may be a manifestation of an underlying problem in the brain that can be really dangerous.

Causes of migraine

Migraines are actually caused by the changes in the size of the blood vessels that are found in the brain and in the head area. These changes may be due to some inflammation or constriction that prevents the blood from flowing properly.

Unlike the common type of headache, which only lasts for about a few hours, migraine headaches can last from four hours to as much as three days. It is more severe and more frequent than your ordinary type of headache. Migraine headache however only affect a certain area on the head, often the side area or the temples unlike the common type that encompasses the whole head including the neck.

People suffering from migraine headaches may also experience a hallucination called aura. Auras are visual perceptions that are presented as a zigzagging light or a bight spot. People often see these visual disturbances immediately before their migraine attack.

Treating migraine

Prevention is still the number one treatment for migraine. The best way is to make sure that one avoids the factors that may trigger the attack.

One of those factors is stress. By learning to relax a bit and do some stress management, one can prevent migraine headaches from recurring. Try to spread your workload to a degree, which you can manage. Rest for a while when you feel that you are getting tired.
Another great way is to deal with the attack head on.

Relieve the pain in the head by keeping warm and avoiding extreme temperatures. If the problem is the position of the head when you are sleeping, buy a different pillow. Choose a fluffier one that will cushion your head better. You can also experiment with a different sleeping position.

You can also rub your temples and massage the area that is painful. Try to close your eyes for a while and let it rest especially when you have been staring at the computer screen for a long time.

Low Jeremy maintains This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.

Go through Stress Headache much more

Headaches are maybe the most common painful symptoms of stress. Headaches caused by stress can range from the low pain "I'm not even aware that I have a headache" to the high pain "My head's gonna burst!" types of headaches.

It is interesting and insightful to take a closer look at how a stress caused headache develops. First, stress causes some confusion and conflict at the intellectual or emotional levels. At this stage pain is not manifested yet as the conscious mind is dealing with the problem.

However, as stress becomes prolonged, the conscious mind loses its focus and no longer tries to deal with the whole problem and recognizes only parts of it. Confusion and conflict become layered as the process goes deeper: it affects the conscious mind, then goes on deeper to the subconscious and when even that is overwhelmed, it goes on to the psychosomatic level and pain is starting to manifest.

Due to the non-physical nature of stress, pain and headaches especially are the body's way of saying "I don't know what to do with this, you deal with it!" If the dull, ever present pain gets stronger it may cause sharp pain in some places or a more intense feeling of being overwhelmed and lacking air or breathing space.

Getting enough rest, letting go of mental or emotional traps, and taking a step back to look from a wider perspective is a good start for healing stress caused headaches. Once you're on the path to a healthier lifestyle, don't stop!

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Browse over 400 spiritual writings and read more about stress headache at Aeria Gloris -

Stress Headache

Read Headaches and Migraines - Can Your Pillow Keep You From Waking Up With Head and Neck Pain? far more

Do you hate going to sleep because you don't want to wake up with another miserable headache?

Do you think it's amazing that we can do things to hurt ourselves even when we are asleep? I know I do.

Have you ever thought your headache or migraine might be caused by your pillow? Or, that the position you sleep in causes your headaches?

Does your doctor or neurologist just give you medicine for head pain? That's typical because most doctors know very little about the roles of muscles in headaches, neck pain and migraines. They get much more training in drugs than in muscles. As a result, muscles are usually overlooked as a cause of head pain by most doctors.

Muscles which are not supported well can get downright cranky. And, they do. They like to be kept in fairly neutral positions. Aggravate your muscles and they will aggravate you!

So, here are several suggestions to help you get a better nights' sleep and wake up feeling well.

Side-sleepers often tilt their chin to the ceiling or floor. Then your neck is not straight. It's bent, curved sideways. You also squash, overstretch, compress and shorten the muscles on the top, front and around your shoulder. None of this is good for your muscles and they will complain. Ideally, you would learn to sleep on your back with your neck and shoulders properly supported.

Back-sleepers can wake up with headaches, too. If your pillow is too fat it pushes your head too far forward and causes muscle stress or strain in the back of your neck. Those muscles attach to your head. If your pillow is too hard, it won't support the natural curve behind your neck. That also creates muscle strain.

Side-sleepers can buy a special pillow for people who sleep on their sides. It has some "loft" or "fluff" all around but a firm core. This pillow needs to have enough height so your neck bones are straight and supported, and not allowed to curve to the floor or ceiling.

Back-sleepers can use a "shaped" pillow to support the natural curve of their neck. These pillows come in various sizes, although "medium" is most commonly found in the stores. Some are temperature-sensitive foam and are firmer in cold weather than in warm weather. Most seem to be too big, fat or hard for many of our necks.

A soft, flat down pillow ("for stomach sleepers") might also work well for you. Puff up the area that will be under your neck and "pull" the side tails up after your head is on the pillow. The tails will keep you from rolling your head into strange positions that will strain your neck and cause headaches or migraines.

If you can't find a pillow that gives your neck the correct amount of support (not too much and not too little) you can make your own with fiberfill. Buy a batt of fiberfill (fiberfill is the stuffing in quilts) at a fabric store or department. It is very inexpensive. Don't get the loose fill. Be sure to get a batt.

Open the package and unroll the batt. Roll the batt into various thicknesses until you find the one that feels best under your neck when you are on your back. Cut the batt and tape the roll so it will keep its' shape. You might want a flat thickness or two (or three) under your head as well.

Play with the thickness of the neckroll and for under your head until it feels comfortable for you.

You could sew nice covers for your homemade pillow, or you can just do as I do. Put your pillow in a pillow case - no sewing involved.

You might want to make a few different size pillows and switch around to whatever feels most comfortable at the moment.

If your head is far forward ("forward head posture") and it is hard for you to lay flat, you may need to prop your pillows differently to support your back, neck and head without strain.

Headache In Back Of Head

And now I'd like to invite you to discover more ways to relieve your pain naturally at Let me, Kathryn Merrow, The Pain Relief Coach, be your guide to a pain-free life.

Headaches and Migraines - Can Your Pillow Keep You From Waking Up With Head and Neck Pain?

Read through The Latest Information on Headaches - And You Thought There Was Nothing You Could Do more

A lot of people suffer from chronic headaches. You may be one of those. People have suffered with headaches forever. All manner of treatments have come and gone, usually without much long term relief. Neurologists have their methods of treatment. Psychiatrists have theirs. Chiropractors have theirs as well. Yes, dentists have their methods too. The drug companies certainly have their medications to give relief for headaches. The problem remains, none of these addresses the actual reason people get headaches.

It's all about muscles!

The main culprit in head pain is the muscles in the head, neck and jaw. The job of all muscles is to move one bone closer to another bone. A muscle is attached at one end to a stationary bone and at the other end to a movable bone. The muscle contracts, getting shorter, and the intended bone moves. When that activity is complete the muscle relaxes.

But what if a muscle was kept contracted for extended periods of time? What if it wasn't allowed to relax and the waste products carried away? So let's meet a muscle. It is called the temporalis. There are two, one on each side of the head. They attach to the side of the head in the temple region (the fixed bone) and to the lower jaw (the movable bone). The temporalis muscles have only one function-to close the lower teeth against the upper teeth. It is the most powerful muscle in the whole body. It is so strong it can crack hard nuts and crush bone.

What might happen if the strongest muscle was kept in a prolonged state of contraction so the oxygen supply was restricted and the waste products couldn't be carried away fast enough? Pain! Could that pain feel like a headache? Bingo!

Together or Separate-That is the Question

There is only one time that the teeth are supposed to be in contact-during chewing. That's it. Otherwise the teeth are slightly apart. This is the only time the temporalis is relaxed.

There is one more time that the teeth can be in contact: while we are sleeping. This is not exactly desirable, but everybody does it and for most people it causes no actual problem. We call this contact clenching. Some people, however, contract the temporalis muscles very hard while they sleep. Done night after night these muscles become fatigued and painful. Chronic nighttime clenchers squeeze their teeth together with tremendous force.

These people often wake up with headaches that can last a short while or can last all day. Or the headaches can show up later in the day. They can be fairly mild or they can be incredibly intense. They can be occasional ("I must have slept wrong") or they can occur every day. Maybe that pain is even strong enough to make a person supersensitive to light and be nauseous. Hello migraine!

Meet The Strongest Muscle in the Body

The temporalis muscles close the jaws with great force so our molars can grind up our food. Very strong muscles indeed! Now in contrast, the front teeth are designed for biting off stuff so our back teeth can chew it up. The lower front teeth serve another important function as well-protection. They sense pressure and if the pressure is too great-that unexpected piece of metal for example-they signal the jaw to open. So the molars squeeze together no matter what is between them. And the front teeth signal "open" if they bite on something that is too hard.

The Mystery is Solved

What if we could sleep with something between our front teeth that would keep our back teeth from clenching, and that something would actually signal the jaw to open when it hit against the lower front teeth, the temporalis muscles could relax? Just maybe a major source of headaches would disappear!

A special headache splint takes advantage of the protective reflex of the lower front teeth. We'll still try to clench, but the severity is greatly reduced. The splint fits over a few of the upper front teeth and touches against only the two lower teeth. It is worn during sleep.

Chronic Clenching Syndrome is a group of symptoms that characterize what clenchers experience. Most of the time the headache is focused in the temple region but can extend to the forehead. The headache can come from the back of the neck. Often CCS people's teeth are sensitive to cold and sometimes they have toothaches that seem to have no reason. Their necks can be stiff and sore. Their ears sometimes itch, ring, or feel plugged. Their jaw joints can be sore and tire easily after chewing food. Some CCS sufferers have sinus headaches, although nothing wrong can be found with the sinuses.

A stiff neck can occur because the neck muscles will tense in response to the temporalis muscles tightening. Ringing or itching in the ears can happen because over activity of the jaws can irritate the area around the ear. (Place your little finger in your ear and move your jaw around. Feel all the activity?)

Time to meet another muscle-the lateral pterygoid. It is the muscle that pulls the lower jaw left and right. That's what chewing is-the jaw moving up and down and left and right. The lateral pterygoid attaches to the top of the jaw and the other end attaches to the outer wall of the sinus. There is of course a left one and a right one. When these muscles become fatigued they become painful and the pain is felt where the muscle is attached along the nasal and sinus cavity wall. This can even cause the sinus to produce a discharge resulting in a runny or stuffy nose.

The lateral pterygoid becomes fatigued is to be unable to freely move the jaw from side to side. This lack of movement is caused by the temporalis firmly pulling the jaws together while the pterygoids are trying to move the jaw sideways, a condition called grinding. The headache splint, by suppressing temporalis activity, allows the lateral pterygoids to freely move, thereby relieving sinus symptoms and jaw joint strain.

So there is help. Dentists can make an appliance that can have truly dramatic results. This appliance is approved by the FDA for both "regular" headache relief and importantly, for migraine headache relief.

Approximately 95% of people find at least a partial, if not total, reduction in their symptoms. Frankly, for something that is so easy to use, the results are quite amazing. Many have found profound relief after suffering a lifetime of headaches.

Literally billions of dollars are spent for headache relief each year with little benefit. But it turns out relief is just a dental visit away.

And you thought there was nothing you could do!

Headaches In Back Of Head

Don Henderson is eager to apply his experience and knowledge to all the wonderful people he connects with on the social media sites, his blog and through articles. He is truly exited by the abundance of knowledge and information that is available on the internet and is in absolute awe of the unending possibilities. Please take a look at his blog at []

The Latest Information on Headaches - And You Thought There Was Nothing You Could Do